Chapter 7 Measuring network robustness

Fernando Gonçalves
session 26/03/2025

7.1 Start

This is a description of the exercise

# code goes here

Here’s an equation \(x - 3\)

7.2 Middle

More code

# code goes here

7.3 End


Please answer the following questions in your RScripts (use # at the start of each line):

Q1: What is the relationship between geographical distance and interaction β-diversity?

Q2: Is interaction β-diversity mainly explained by the species turnover or by the interaction rewiring?

Q3: What could be the implications of your observations for conservation?

Q4: Throughout this course, you also learned that we can compare the networks using the topology metrics of networks (e.g. nestedness, modularity, connectance). What is the difference between using interaction β-diversity and the other metrics? What new information does β-diversity offer?

Bonus exercise

Explore the differences in β-diversity of the 12 sites with the metaweb.